Video recipes

Oranges in caramel sauce

Oranges in caramel sauce
  • Ingredients (serves 4):
    4 oranges
    4 cloves
    200 g granulated sugar
    0.5 l water
    1 cardamom pod (or ground cardamom)
    1 dl Cuban rum
1. Use a zester to make strips of the peel of a rinsed orange, put them into cold water, bring to boil and strain. Bring the strained peel to boil once again in clean water and remove from heat.
2. Peel the oranges, clean them and cut them into 4 equal slices.
3. Heat water with sugar, add Cuban rum, add cloves and cardamom and boil until the liquid begins to turn golden brown.
4. Pour in boiled peel with water, add orange slices joined together using a skewer and marinate for at least 24 hours.

Caramel sauce: 5. Blend sugar with water, boil and leave to caramelise. Mix in cream, remove from heat and lighten with butter.
6. Submerse the marinated orange slices into heated caramel.
7. Arrange orange slices on a plate one on another, pour the caramel on top and garnish with the peel.
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